Hoarding: The Illness and The Home
Hoarding Disorder has been very rampant and known around the world. Hundreds of people experience the disorder, making them save items that do not bear anything, such as the simplest plastic bag or hairpin. Known hoarders have homes that are barely livable, creating a space full of junk and disorder which also leads to the number of pests and possible disease that can be acquired just from staying on the space of hoard.
Risks and Dangers of Hoarding
Hoarding is far from the hobby of collecting, while collecting is saving items in a single theme and is kept neat and nice, hoarding is accumulating unnecessary items because of the psychological trigger that you might need it soon, ending up in amount full of garbage and dirty space, which also damages home quality and state.
Houses that have been used by hoarders end up in such a dirty state in need of total renovation and decking that can be provided by DinoDecking. Hoarding disorders can result in very grave outcomes. Hoarders often isolate themselves and tend to keep out any person who can be a threat to their hoarded items; people who might be their relatives that sees the situation and wants to get rid of the items is a clear threat to them. Also, living in a house full of hoarded items amount to so many hazardous threats, because of unknown fire hazards, or electrocution risks.
People with hoarding disorders need to have someone who will talk them out of the psychological state that they have and make them realize the health dangers of living in a house full of hoards. Existing American reality shows showcase the living conditions of these people, how dangerous it can be, how health risks it can be, and how far off they have been to their loved ones, because of their disorder, providing help in cleaning up their space and making a brand new start for them.