Thanks to the social media, we finally have the means to get in touch with our friends and family, whenever and wherever. Distance is not a factor for two pals to catch up with each other’s lives, as with just a stable internet connection, they can talk about the latest happenings in their lives face to face. They can also share stories about their own experiences, as well as stories that concern our society.
We can pick a bunch of information by exploring the social media, which is helpful as we gain knowledge to make our lives easier. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that every info posted on the social media can be trusted. There is a good chance that you can catch fake news articles being passed from one person to another in your timeline.
You might already be aware about the spread of fake news in the online realm, but its negative effects to our society is unimagineable.
Fake News Aim To Turn Us Against Each Other And Keep Us From Uniting For The Truth
You may already have that experience of engaging into a verbal argument with some stranger in the social media, due to a suspicious news article that is trending. You can see a lot of heated exchange in the comments section of that article, all because of a maliciously-written reporting. At first, you may think that fake news only exist to feed us with misinformation and mislead the public. However, fake news actually destroys any chance for us to be united amidst our differences in beliefs.
There are many reasons why people create fake news to be distributed by the netizens in the social media. One thing is for sure: these people have the agenda to ruin an already established thought or belief in the society that prevents them from doing their selfish plans. For them to blatantly spread lies in order to move their interest forward is already an indication that they have sinister motives.
Sadly, we can see fake news scattered in every corner of the internet. You can read one accidentally while you are checking out the good deals at the Amazon Great Indian Sale. There are also fake news articles being shared by our very own relatives and closest friends.
The moment we see fake news being spread, it is our duty to stop lies from reaching more people. We can show how the information written in the fake news article is nothing but made-up lies, and warn people not to trust the source of this malicous propaganda write-ups. Letting fake news exist in the social media actually puts people in danger. For an instance, fake news has started to paint a bad picture of immigrants for the public.